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Nearsightedness or myopia is an eye condition that affects many individuals worldwide but is most prevalent among children. With myopia, the eye cannot focus on distant objects.
Macular degeneration (AMD) is a condition that has puzzled many doctors and researchers for quite some time. For instance, the oldest descriptions of the disease (1852) refer to it with different names.
Vision is a critical aspect of a growing child. According to scientists, about 80 percent of children’s learning is through observation. With this in mind, it can be scary for a parent when they notice their child struggling with visual issues—particularly those that do not seem to respond to the usual vision correction aids.
When children are growing up, their eyes and the entire visual system grow rapidly. Your child's younger years are critical to developing their visual abilities. At this juncture, addressing any emerging issues play a crucial role in the future of their vision. A common visual problem is lazy eye.
Do you have diabetes? If so, the prevention of diabetes-related eye diseases should be a priority for you. Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose. When you have this disease, your body either does not produce or respond to insulin that delivers blood sugar or glucose to your body cells.
The eyes play a significant role in how your child develops. They impact how they view every aspect of their life, including socialization and learning. Specialists recommend that the first eye exams of a developing infant should happen by the time they reach three years old.
If you are like many Americans, you spend at least nine hours a day on a digital device. It is the new normal, the new way of life, as technology continues to take a prominent role in our lives. Despite all the advantages of evolving technology, digital use also comes with its own set of disadvantages. Most of them are issues concerning eye health. If you have headaches, painful shoulders and neck, and bouts of dizziness after a day at work, you are reaping the cons of the digital lifestyle. Several strategies are available to help you cope with these symptoms. However, there is one that may help you eliminate all the symptoms: Neurolens.
If you have some eye discomfort, you may have dry eye or seasonal allergies. Eye doctors thought the two were the same for a long time, but studies have shown the two conditions differ slightly. Their symptoms are pretty similar, but their causes are not. Despite these differences, you may develop dry eye from seasonal allergies.
Studies have found that some vision issues are more common in children who have ADD/ADHD. Moreover, some vision disorders may mimic the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, which may lead to misdiagnosis. Some children are on ADD/ADHD drugs when all they have is a vision problem that can be corrected and improve their visual function and visual attention.